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Creating Reclaimed Farm House Boards

Pink Insulation Foam and Paint 

Step 1:

Step 1:

All you are going to need for this prop is 4'x8' sheet of pink insulation foam, saw blade, black and white latex paint, squeegee and paint brush.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Take your saw blade and scrape in the direction of the wood grain on each sheet of foam that you are using.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Make sure to scrape the entire board as you do this!

Step 4:

Step 4:

Repeat Steps 2-3 on all of the foam boards that you are using for this project.

Step 5:

Step 5:

Using a squeegee, coat the entire sheet with the black latex paint. Once dry, dry brush with the white latex paint.

Step 6:

Step 6:

Cut the foam sheets into boards of whatever thickness you choose (ours were 6") and paint the edges with white paint.



Once you let them dry, you are finished! If you'd like to see what it looks like when set up, check out the link below.

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